How Veterans Can Afford Prescription Medication

How Veterans Can Afford Prescription Medication

Prescription medication can be the make or break of one’s health. However, how it expensive it is can be a huge barrier for individuals to maintain their health. Fortunately, for veterans, there are a few ways for them to get their medication covered. Veterans...
Resources for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury

Resources for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are injuries that happen to the brain from a some sort of blunt force to the head or body that causes movement of the brain inside the cranium. TBIs can be mild, also known as mTBIs or concussions. mTBIs are very common, but they can...
Adverse Effects of Chronic NSAID Use

Adverse Effects of Chronic NSAID Use

Chronic pain becomes a prominent part of life as we age. It can significantly reduce our quality of life and make it harder to do the things that we used to be able to do. Exercising, hanging out with family, socializing with friends can all be things that are...