As our parents get older, it’s extremely important to keep them active. Once older adults become inactive, their muscles begin to atrophy and their bones become weaker. It’s also important for their minds that they stay engaged in new activities, as well as their social health. Just because people get older, doesn’t mean they can continue doing their same fun activities they were doing when they were younger. In fact, considering they have less responsibilities, it’s even more important that they find ways to stay busy. It may even be helpful if you can find activities for them to participate in. Here is a list of some activities you can get older people involved in!

Sports and fitness activities

It is very important to keep the elderly physically active. The older we get, the weaker our bones and muscles get. We can help combat that by staying physically active. Older individuals love sports, and they don’t have to stop playing them just because they get older. They may have to take some extra precaution and stress/cool down a little longer than before. However, this doesn’t mean they can’t continue being active. By joining a health club or community center, older individuals can continue playing various sports that are fun, competitive, and let them interact with other people.


Gardening is another activity that has many benefits for older people. It can actually become a bit addictive after getting good at it. When you plant a seed and get to watch it grow, there is something pretty satisfying about them. Gardeners will want to fill their gardens with the most beautiful flower and plants, grow some food and keep the lawn nice and neat. Gardening is also great fo reducing stress levels, a sense of achievement, getting out into fresh air, keeping fit and active and producing nutritious, healthy food.


The rise of the silver gamer is one of the most interesting news stories that follows the trend of elderly people over 55 who are playing video games. There are more of them playing now than ever, and contrary to some belief, video games actually offer a lot of benefits. They provide great entertainment and give a chance to socialize. In most games, you play against your friends or other people which means you can chat online and play against people you know or someone from across the world. A study even found that gaming can help to protect memories as those who gamed had reduced memory loss. Some favorite games are Bejeweled, Wii, Super Mario and Brain Training.

Social media

Social media is another fun hobby that can be utilized by your parents. These platforms are becoming increasingly popular for the older generation, especially after the pandemic. It game them a place to keep in contact with their loved ones. The best social media platform for them is Facebook. This platform is perfect for connecting and reconnecting with friends and family. They also can post updates about their own life so their family knows they’re okay. Zoom, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram are other popular platforms that help them stay connected to what’s happening across the world.


Cooking a meal from scratch can provide a great sense of achievement. Cooking meals can also bring family and friends together, especially for a classic meal like Grandma’s Sunday dinner. The social benefits of cooking are not what’s most important, however. Cooking homemade food is also great for our health. We know the importance of a healthy diet, but home cooking is also great for mental health as well. Cooking for oneself can become a challenge as people get older. This is why it’s important to safely continue building new skills into old age.


Jigsaw puzzles are a good, old-fashion activity that still challenge fine motor skills and attention. This is a great, stimulating hobby with so many choices, your parents will never lose interest. There are very simple ones with only 24 pieces, and even some massive ones with 5000 pieces. They don’t have to be finished in one fell swoop, but can be attended to in various times. The best puzzle brands include Ravensburger, Jan Van Haasteren, and Wasgij. 3D puzzles are also a new trend and provide an extra layer of complexity. Puzzles truly workout the brain which is a great protective factor against dementia.


Good books are the perfect hobby, especially when winding down for the night come uping up with something to while waiting for something else. Books can always provide a good sense of entertainment, and there are so many to choose from in a variety of genres. The other great thing about reading is it is so convenient now with book available on digital devices at the click of a button. However, for those who still enjoy a book in their hand, libraries are still available, as well as books for sell at local grocery stores, book stores, and online.

Learning a musical instrument

Teaching themselves or learning a new skill is a great protective factor against age-related disorders like dementia. Something like learning a musical instrument is a fun and engaging way to keep the brain young. Learning a new instrument is challenging, but so rewarding when different milestones are hit. Not only can your parents ward off dementia while improving spatial planning and organization, but they may also make a new friend or create a band to go and play at some of their favorite places.


Traveling is another great way to keep your parents young. There is so much to see out there, that we must use all the time we have to get out and about. Just because our parents get older doesn’t mean they need to be confined to one spot. Work with your parent to create a list of places to travel to, and even see which ones you can take them on yourself. Before traveling, ensure that they have proper insurance and vaccinations to make sure they are completely protected.

It’s important that the elderly keep up activities even into older age to fight off dementia, loneliness, and sedentary lifestyles. If there is anything that your parent needs assistance with because they are unable to take care of themselves, please don’t hesitate to utilize our services.


Top 15 Hobby Ideas for Older People